Sunday, 23 February 2014

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

They Dont Exist Love O:

Really. I swear that if I see one more person post  a forum about hackers I will personally slay them.

Look at how PATHETIC this is .

Well that's nice! Smilex is ab. right. She needs to catch up on the grammar lessons. She should quit skipping classes...

See at least someone has more sense in them than this weesey chickita...

Little and Sensation are right to be honest...

And I literally just noticed what alextra78 put. It's 10% grammar mistakes and 90% stupidness. If she really is your bff be truthful and tell her that hackers dont exist...


I know what your thinking. In my
previous video I said I cant spell but that? Thats
just Stupid...


Hellooo! I have a few random obsessions right now o.o. Im mad with sims (especially Lifesimmer and Alfie and Zoella's series).

I'm seriously obsessed with redllama, 0RE0 and light's msp blog. o.o here's the link

Im getting new guinea pigs in Spring. Im getting way over-obsessed with those too.

And I'm currently off school. Ill. Yay? Going back tomorrow anyway. Umm

Im going to start making posts more recently on this blog because I feel as if I should be posting more if i expect views. *gives self a brain* definitley O:

Cad x