Sunday, 19 May 2013


Okay so, I will be answering your questions about me on msp or just stuff about MSP you want to know about :). Here is a short example...

DanniCherry asked:
How do you come up with movie ideas?
I come up with them by watching other people's movies. I get inspiration from their movies. They help me choose the genre i'm going to use. So if I watched ishacool's movie series Things Fall Apart then if i decided i liked that genre I would do a movie about Drama. Then because I was doing Drama I would come up with about 5 main charecters. These main charecters will be used throughout all the movie parts. I would make part two of the movie when you get around 15 views. I hope this was helpful.

Example 2
EpicEmily2984 asked:
Why does msp lag so much?
It's because you either have too many friends or because msp keeps on updating. I would have around 300 friends at the most. You can delete people if they don't watch your movies and ignore you, that's a good reason to delete someone. However, we cannot stop msp from updating.. they seem to be doing it quite a lot. Personally, I find it annoying :/.

To get your question answered contact me on msp.

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